Knifeblade Acasia
I watched you die slowly. Forced to bear witness, as the life was sucked from your delicate branches, a helpless spectator as your shiny silver blades turned brittle and brown. One by one the limbs were infected, amber droplets oozed sap rushed to soothe the cuts but nothing could heal the fatal wound that happened when no one was watching. No compost or care could mend this turn of fate. A skirt of rust lay scattered and lifeless on the ground. One day I knew the battle was over. Accepted the rich humus would become fertile soil for the next set of roots to sink their fingers into. Bowed to nature’s incessant drive to recycle, the wisdom of oxygen and worms. Even our own cells are slowly replacing themselves until we are no longer the same as before. Musing on the 52 year cycle of the Aztecs, a revolving world requiring constant sacrifice and rebirth, I solemnly fetched the saw from the dark tomb of the garage. Hot tears streamed...