Staring in the mirror at my family collapsing, crumbling into sharp edged chunks and clinking like shattered glass around my feet. Privileges squandered, gifts too easily given. Yet fists still cling to some imagined scarcity . Closed tight and delusional, as thin as air. Still demanding more like some drug crazed addict. The convenience of saccharine sweet religion, brimstone judgment and impossible expectations. Conditions placed on love like an ever-receding mirage, Leave me thirsty . Skin-deep Christmas cards. Shallow rebellions and superficial ties. Just enough for holiday meals. I say it’s time. Time to let the house burn down! Time to let the light stream through. True strength is saying enough when you’re already sucked dry. What more can you possibly want? You’ve already siphoned our life breath like a vacuum into your emptiness. And for what? You lift not even a ...