
Showing posts from February, 2020

Wise Woman

I finally saw Her!  Felt Her wisdom like warmth from the sun soaking into my skin.  She is sitting calm and resilient, like flowing water that cuts through rock and etches  canyons with long, liquidy fingers.  Her hair falls straight, dark with gray streaks that pick up the highlights of her serene face. Rest, my daughter.  I've got this!  You're going to have to start trusting me. The miracle is that I do.  I feel my body soften, malleable like clay in Her hands. My child, who told you to carry this load?   Why do you think you have to have all the answers?   Just do your work, the result is none of your business. My work, yes.  Breathe.  Check myself.  Clear the debris.  The more I do this, the easier it becomes to recognize those thought barnacles that cling to me but are not mine.  It's simple really.  Constantly questioning each moment, each experience, each person standing before me to s...


Feel like I am on a train, my body hurling through time and space even when I am sitting still. Been having dizzy spells. But instead of frightening me, I enjoy the shift in equilibrium. Relish each tiny muscle twitching into action to reclaim and rename, balance. Like trees that bend in the wind so they won't break, a new kind of trust is forming, burrowing deeper in my flesh every time I find myself still standing after a storm. I am so utterly intoxicated by each moment, that the past and future have become fuzzy things. They dissolve quickly to the touch, like flaky pastry. My whole life, a moving incantation. Steps rise unbidden to meet my feet. Sounds pour from my mouth, and I watch them dance unhinged in the air before me, swirling into new thoughts and ideas like incense. I listen, enchanted, as if to the advice from an old friend curious what she will say next. I have long since lost interest in the stagnation of keeping up appearances. Tim...