I know I am supposed to be your teacher
And when I was a kid that meant a thick wall divided us
El río profundo para nunca cruzar
But in 10 years
it is you who have molded me.
Chipped away at that muro
With laughter and amor
Questions and creativity
Mischief and mistakes.
You push me to define myself.
To set my boundaries
but also to learn to bend.
Sending down my roots
deep beneath the surface of what you see.
Challenging me to expand,
to make myself large,
to embrace you in your myriad of forms.
You who have faced death, disappointment and loss
and yet persevered.
You who take risks,
left it all on the field, the stage, the test.
You who hesitate and poke at the world
we pass down.
You inspire me to stretch my branches
tall and wide.
To shield you with a protective shade
so you can grow strong enough
to endure the heat beyond these walls.


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